Scholars' Mine - International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Site Effects Estimation in Tehran City by Using Empirical Methods


Chicago, Illinois


01 May 2013, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


In this paper, site effects assessment in Tehran city, the capital of Iran, were estimated by using empirical methods. Both spectral ratio of the horizontal components of sedimentary site to rocky site (Hs/Hr) or site/reference, and Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) methods have been used for estimation the site effects parameters. For this purpose, the recorded motions in BHRC (Building and Housing Research Center) acceleration stations were analyzed. These motions were recorded from Changureh-Avaj (2002), Tehran (2003), Firozabad-Kojour (2004) and Kahak-Qom (2007) earthquakes, which have been occurred near to the Tehran city. Some of these motions recorded in rocky stations and were used for site/reference (Hs/Hr) analysis. Site predominant frequency and soil amplification factor in various frequency ranges were estimated in each station by using calculated amplification functions by two empirical techniques. The results reveal a large contribution of site effects on ground motion at the majority of the studied sites. The value of predominant frequency in southern part of city is less than northern part. Therefore, the level of damage in southern part might be increased and short frequency structures, such as high-rise buildings and long span bridges might be strongly affected by the site effects in this part of the city.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Meeting Name

7th Conference of the International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Document Version

Final Version


© 2013 Missouri University of Science and Technology, All rights reserved.

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Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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Apr 29th, 12:00 AM May 4th, 12:00 AM

Site Effects Estimation in Tehran City by Using Empirical Methods

Chicago, Illinois

In this paper, site effects assessment in Tehran city, the capital of Iran, were estimated by using empirical methods. Both spectral ratio of the horizontal components of sedimentary site to rocky site (Hs/Hr) or site/reference, and Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) methods have been used for estimation the site effects parameters. For this purpose, the recorded motions in BHRC (Building and Housing Research Center) acceleration stations were analyzed. These motions were recorded from Changureh-Avaj (2002), Tehran (2003), Firozabad-Kojour (2004) and Kahak-Qom (2007) earthquakes, which have been occurred near to the Tehran city. Some of these motions recorded in rocky stations and were used for site/reference (Hs/Hr) analysis. Site predominant frequency and soil amplification factor in various frequency ranges were estimated in each station by using calculated amplification functions by two empirical techniques. The results reveal a large contribution of site effects on ground motion at the majority of the studied sites. The value of predominant frequency in southern part of city is less than northern part. Therefore, the level of damage in southern part might be increased and short frequency structures, such as high-rise buildings and long span bridges might be strongly affected by the site effects in this part of the city.
