Scholars' Mine - International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Planning and Implementation of a Mega Geotechnical Engineering Project in Singapore


Chicago, Illinois


01 May 2013, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Implementation of mega geotechnical engineering projects requires a systematic approach and detailed planning. A mega land reclamation and ground improvement project which consists of various components of geotechnical engineering applications was planned and implemented in the Republic of Singapore from 1990 till 2005, a total period of one and a half decades. Due to the extensive ground improvement required to treat the underlying highly compressible soil, with the presence of highly variable ground profile and ground conditions due to the natural geological process, a detailed ground investigation was necessary. This was furthermore necessary due to the importance of various critical infrastructure planned for future usage in the land reclamation site. Extensive ground investigation was planned based on input from desk study and reconnaissance survey carried out using geophysical method under foreshore conditions. Progressive ground investigation included ground investigation carried out in foreshore area prior to land reclamation, on land prior to ground improvement, during and after ground improvement to assess the degree of improvement. The ground investigation involved large numbers of in-situ tests using numerous methods and collections and testing of undisturbed soil sample for further laboratory testing to drive necessary geotechnical parameters for design purpose or decision making for acceptance of ground improvement works. Due to the nature and speed of the project on-site geotechnical and geotextile laboratories were set up for characterization and quality control. In addition to the improvement of underlying soils, hydraulically filled granular soils were required to be densified by application of deep compaction methods to minimize future immediate settlement and to increase resistance to liquefaction. A large quantity of geotechnical instrumentation were installed and monitored for construction control as well as performance monitoring of ground improvement works. This paper describes the procedure and process of implementation of geotechnical works in the mega Changi East Land Reclamation and Ground Improvement project in Singapore.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Meeting Name

7th Conference of the International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Document Version

Final Version


© 2013 Missouri University of Science and Technology, All rights reserved.

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Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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Apr 29th, 12:00 AM May 4th, 12:00 AM

Planning and Implementation of a Mega Geotechnical Engineering Project in Singapore

Chicago, Illinois

Implementation of mega geotechnical engineering projects requires a systematic approach and detailed planning. A mega land reclamation and ground improvement project which consists of various components of geotechnical engineering applications was planned and implemented in the Republic of Singapore from 1990 till 2005, a total period of one and a half decades. Due to the extensive ground improvement required to treat the underlying highly compressible soil, with the presence of highly variable ground profile and ground conditions due to the natural geological process, a detailed ground investigation was necessary. This was furthermore necessary due to the importance of various critical infrastructure planned for future usage in the land reclamation site. Extensive ground investigation was planned based on input from desk study and reconnaissance survey carried out using geophysical method under foreshore conditions. Progressive ground investigation included ground investigation carried out in foreshore area prior to land reclamation, on land prior to ground improvement, during and after ground improvement to assess the degree of improvement. The ground investigation involved large numbers of in-situ tests using numerous methods and collections and testing of undisturbed soil sample for further laboratory testing to drive necessary geotechnical parameters for design purpose or decision making for acceptance of ground improvement works. Due to the nature and speed of the project on-site geotechnical and geotextile laboratories were set up for characterization and quality control. In addition to the improvement of underlying soils, hydraulically filled granular soils were required to be densified by application of deep compaction methods to minimize future immediate settlement and to increase resistance to liquefaction. A large quantity of geotechnical instrumentation were installed and monitored for construction control as well as performance monitoring of ground improvement works. This paper describes the procedure and process of implementation of geotechnical works in the mega Changi East Land Reclamation and Ground Improvement project in Singapore.