(2008) - Sixth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering | International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Browse the contents of (2008) - Sixth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering:

Session 01: Case Histories of Unexpected Behavior and Failure of Shallow, Deep and Other Foundations
Earthquake Conferences
Case Histories Conferences
Co-Sponsors, Exhibitors and Committees
Soil Dynamics Course, Spouse Program and Post-Conference Tour
Meet Our Authors and Speakers
Symposium - James K. Mitchell
Other Special (OSP) Lectures
State Of The Art and Practice (SOAP) Lectures
Session 11 - B: Application of Case Histories to Practice
Session 11 - A: Application of Case Histories in Education
Session 10: Application of Geotechnical Engineering in Outer Space
Session 09: Case Histories of Offshore Geotechnics; Effects of Soft Clay on Off-shore Foundations; and Gas Production on Soils and Foundation and Stability
Session 08 - C: Case Histories of Health Monitoring and Retrofit of Infrastructure, including Bridges, Tunnels, and other Transportation and Geotechnical Structures
Session 08 - B: Case Histories of Forensic Geotechnical Engineering, Where Things Went Wrong
Session 08 - A: Case Histories of Projects of District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia; DC Monuments
Session 07 - B: Case Histories of Environmental Contamination and Problems
Session 07 - A: Case Histories of Soil Property Improvement, Expansive and Collapsible Soils
Session 06 - B: Anticipation, Characterization, Design and Construction in the Geological Complexity of Mélanges, Fault Rocks, Weathered Rocks, Boulder Colluviam, Lahars, and Similar Bimrocks (Block-in-Matrix Rocks) and Rock/Soil Mixtures
Session 06 - A: Case Histories and Failure of Geological, Rock and Mining Engineering, Including Underground Structures and Excavations, and Subsidence of Deltas
Session 05: Case Histories and Failure of Retaining Structures, Slurry Walls, and Deep Excavations, Dewatering Stability
Session 04: Case Histories of Engineering Vibrations, Vibration Control for Underground and Surface Constructions
Session 03: Case Histories and Failure of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Session 02: Case Histories on Failures of Slopes, Dams, Embankments and Landfills
Keynote Address
General Reports
Table of Contents and Conference Schedule
Dedication and Preface