Alternative Title

Injection d'importants volumes de gel de type GPP (gel à particules préformées) pour le contrôle du balayage en injection d'eau dans les réservoirs matures


This paper describes Preformed Particle Gel (PPG) treatments for in-depth fluid diversion in four injection wells located in the northern section of the Lamadian reservoir, Daqing oilfield, China, which is a sandstone reservoir with thick heterogeneous pay zones. Forty-six producers were connected to the four treated injectors with an average water cut of 95.4% before PPG treatments. A large volume (more than 1 000 m3) of PPG suspension with concentrations of 1 900-2 500 mg/L and particle sizes of 0.06-3.0 mm was injected into each well, each injection spanning approximately four months. The injection PPG suspension volumes range from 11 458 to 17 625 m3 per well with a total of 56 269 m3 (295 680 lb of dried PPG) for the four wells, which indicated the existence of super-K zones or fractures in the formation. During PPG injection, real-time data, including injection pressure, injection rate and particle sizes, were monitored to tune our treatment design and to analyze the practical status of the mature reservoir. This paper reports detailed information for the four well treatments, including well candidate selection criteria, treatment design, real-time monitoring results during PPG injection and treatment results.


Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Candidate Selection; Conformance Control; Daqing Oilfields; Injection Pressures; Injection Wells; Real Time Monitoring; Sandstone Reservoirs; Treatment Design; Oil Fields; Particle Size; Reservoirs (Water); Suspensions (Fluids); Water Injection; Crude Oil; Fluid Injection; Hydrocarbon Reservoir; Particle Size; China; Daqing Oilfield; Heilongjiang

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version

Final Version

File Type




Language 2



© 2012 Editions Technip, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Nov 2012

Included in

Geology Commons
