"Development and Field Pilot Test of a Novel Viscoelastic Anionic-Surfa" by Jin Zhang, Mei Zhang et al.

Development and Field Pilot Test of a Novel Viscoelastic Anionic-Surfactant (VAS) Fracturing Fluid


A novel fracturing fluid called VAS (anionic surfactant type) has been successfully developed and applied in both oil and gas wells in China. VAS can not only minimize matrix damage caused by modifying the rock surface charge and lowering water-sensitive and water-lock. This paper presents the stimulation mechanisms of the novel VAS fracturing fluid. Field demonstrations indicate that, for the wells using the VAS fracturing fluid, the production increased remarkably and stabilized longer than the wells using water-based Guar gum fracturing fluid. Averagely, the production for the wells using this VAS fracturing fluid increased by 120% compared with the wells using acidic fracturing fluid and increased by 89% compared with the wells using ethyloic fracturing fluid.

Meeting Name

Society of Petroleum Engineers Western North American Regional Meeting -- In Collaboration with the Joint Meetings of the Pacific Section AAPG and Cordlleran Section GSA (2010: May 27-29, Anaheim, CA)


Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Field Pilot; Guar Gums; Matrix; Oil And Gas Well; Stimulation Mechanism; Water Based; Anionic Surfactants; Engineers; Fracturing Fluids; Natural Gas Wells; Oil Wells; Petroleum Deposits; Fracturing (Oil Wells)

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2010 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 May 2010

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