Digital Photo-Analysis of Rock Jointing


Information can be obtained more quickly, safely and completely from photographs of jointed rock than by climbing over the rock face with a tape and compass. As of 1984, the necessary computer hardware, software and theories of pattern recognition had been developed and used in other disciplines but had yet to be applied to rock. Since that time a research program at the University of Waterloo has made progress towards quantifying parameters such as block sizes, joint spacings and orientations. Work is in progress on measurements of joint roughness and persistence. Envisaged applications include analysis of above- and below-ground excavation stability, of groundwater and contaminant flow, and of blast overbreak and fragmentation.

Meeting Name

39th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (1986: Aug. 27-29, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)


Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Computer Aided Analysis; Computer Hardware; Computer Software; Parameter Estimation; Pattern Recognition; Photointerpretation; Roughness Measurement; Block Sizes; Digital Photoanalysis; Joint Orientations; Joint Persistence; Joint Roughness; Joint Spacings; Rock Jointing; Rock Mechanics

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 1986 Canadian Geotechnical Society, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

29 Aug 1986

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