The Faculty Research & Creative Works series collects scholarly and creative work by Missouri S&T's faculty and professional staff. To find works from a specific department, center, or program, browse by Programs, Centers, and Departments. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Browse by Faculty AuthorSubmissions from 1964
A Ti-Hg collision cross section, Edward E. Stepp and Richard A. Anderson
Submissions from 1963
Magnetic Structure Investigations at the Nuclear Center, R. Ballestracci, E. F. Bertaut, J. Coing-Boyat, A. Delapalme, William Joseph James, R. Lemaire, R. Pauthenet, and G. Roult
Theory of the Effect of Temperature on the Electron Diffraction Patterns of Diatomic Molecules, Russell A. Bonham and Jerry Peacher
A Rapid Method for Obtaining Vapor-liquid Equilibrium Data: Distillate Analysis Technique as Applied to a Ternary System, David W. Bunch, William Joseph James, and Rubens Sette Ramalho
The Size of the Supportive Component in Organ, Izations: A Multi, Organizational Analysis, Eugene Haas, Richard H. Hall, and Norman J. Johnson
Tabular Review of the Genesis of Tri-State Ores, Richard D. Hagni and Oliver Rudolph Grawe
The Difference Effect and Anodic Behavior of Hafnium Dissolving in Hydrofluoric Acid, William Joseph James, James W. Johnson, and Martin E. Straumanis
Valence Exhibited by Zinc Amalgam Anodically Dissolving in Nitrate Solutions, William Joseph James and Glenn E. Stoner
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Strength of Glass Cylinders as Determined by a Diametral Loading Techniaue, P. D. Ownby, D. E. Day, and Robert E. Moore
Decay of Intensity of Certain Hg Lines in an Hg-Ar Discharge, Edward E. Stepp and Richard A. Anderson
Submissions from 1962
Properties of Soda Aluminosilicate Glasses, D. E. Day and Guy E. Rindone
Properties of Soda Aluminosilicate Glasses I, D. E. Day and Guy E. Rindone
Properties of Soda Aluminosilicate Glasses: II, Internal Friction, D. E. Day and Guy E. Rindone
Dissolution Rates, Electrochemical and Passivation Properties of Alpha ZrO Solid Solutions in HF, William Joseph James, Wayne G. Custead, and Martin E. Straumanis
Nucleophilic Displacement Reactions of Hexachlorocyclopentadiene II, Earl T. McBee, James O. Stoffer, and H. P. Braendlin
Glass-to-Sapphire End Window Seals, Edward E. Stepp and Richard A. Anderson
On the Theory of the Indentation Test for the Measurement of Tensile Strength of Brittle Materials, K. T. Sundara Raja Iyengar and K. Chandrashekhara
Submissions from 1961
On the Free Vibrations of a Thin-Walled Circular Cylindrical Shell Subjected to an Initial Static Torque, Leslie Robert Koval
Effects of Calcining Temperature on the Physical Properties of Zirconate Ceramics, P. D. Ownby
Perfection of the Lattice of Dislocation-Free Silicon, Studied by the Lattice-Constant and Density Method, Martin E. Straumanis, Pierre Borgeaud, and William Joseph James
A Reaction Rate Study in Hydrofluoric Acid of the Dissolution of Titanium and the Alpha Solid Solution of Oxygen in Titanium, Martin E. Straumanis, William Joseph James, and John L. Ratliff
Submissions from 1960
Reaction of 1-bromo-2,3-epoxybutane with Phenol in the Presence of Boron Trifluoride, Robert F. Bridger and Robert R. Russell
Chemical Kinetics of the Zirconium-hydrofluoric Acid Reaction, William Joseph James, Wayne G. Custead, and Martin E. Straumanis
Relative Acidities of Glasses Containing Al₂O₃ and TiO₂ as Determined by the Oxygen Electrode, Guy E. Rindone, D. E. Day, and Ronald V. Caporali
Determination of Hydrogen in Oxygen Containing Zirconium Hydrides by the Hydrogen Evolution Method, Martin E. Straumanis, C. S. Lin, and William Joseph James
Submissions from 1959
Electronic Three-Phase Wave Generator, Don Cronin
Generator Control System Employing Semiconductor Apparatus, Don Cronin
Submissions from 1958
Reaction of 1-bromo-2,3-epoxybutane and 3-bromo-1,2-epoxybutane with Phenol, Richard L. Rowton and Robert R. Russell
Submissions from 1957
2,2-Disubstituted-1,3-Propanediamines and Related Diurethans, Diureides and Hexahydropyrimidin-2-Ones, Glenn S. Skinner, Richard H. Hall, and Peter V. Susi
Submissions from 1951
Action of Lithium Aluminum Hydride on Acetylenic Acids, Glen E. Benedict and Robert R. Russell
A Versatile Gas-absorption Apparatus, Robert R. Russell
Submissions from 1947
A Useful Distilling Head, Robert R. Russell
The Malonic Ester Synthesis with Styrene Oxide and with Butadiene Oxide, Robert R. Russell and Calvin Anthony VanderWerf
Submissions from 1946
A Variable Pressure Manostat, Hugh B. Donahoe, Robert R. Russell, and Calvin Anthony VanderWerf
Submissions from 1945
A Combination Gas-delivery Tube and Stirrer, Robert R. Russell and Calvin Anthony VanderWerf