Minutes & Agendas
Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Senate
Publication Date
18 Oct 2012
Document Version
Final Version
Document Type
File Type
© 2012 Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Senate, All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Senate, "Faculty Senate Minutes October 18, 2012" (2012). Minutes & Agendas. 72.
FS_Agenda_18Oct2012.pdf (34 kB)
Meeting Agenda 10-18-2012
BalakrishnanFS Slides_October12.pptx (90 kB)
Presidents Presentation 10-18-2012
Faculty Senate October 18 2012 Positive Happenings from the Provost.FINAL.pptx (3644 kB)
Provost's Presentation 10-18-2012
Faculty_Senate_10_18_12_Beck.pptx (1065 kB)
Student Council Presentation 10-18-2012
RPA slides for october 18_2012.pptx (96 kB)
Rules, Procedures and Agenda Presentation 10-18-2012
10-3-2012 CCC report to FS.pdf (143 kB)
Curricula Report 10-16-2012
CampusCurriculaCommitteeReport_10_18_2012.pptx (180 kB)
Curricula Presentation 10-18-2012
Meeting Agenda 10-18-2012
BalakrishnanFS Slides_October12.pptx (90 kB)
Presidents Presentation 10-18-2012
Faculty Senate October 18 2012 Positive Happenings from the Provost.FINAL.pptx (3644 kB)
Provost's Presentation 10-18-2012
Faculty_Senate_10_18_12_Beck.pptx (1065 kB)
Student Council Presentation 10-18-2012
RPA slides for october 18_2012.pptx (96 kB)
Rules, Procedures and Agenda Presentation 10-18-2012
10-3-2012 CCC report to FS.pdf (143 kB)
Curricula Report 10-16-2012
CampusCurriculaCommitteeReport_10_18_2012.pptx (180 kB)
Curricula Presentation 10-18-2012