Statistical Comparison of Lane Shift Sign Configurations with Driving Simulation


In this study, we analyze and compare driver responses to alternative lane shift signs using a driving simulation system. In particular, we compare driver responses to the lane shift sign proposed by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) to the current lane shift sign recommended by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The driving simulation system is composed of a driving simulator and a PC with data recording program such that the position coordinates, speed, braking amount, and steering amount are recorded each second. Two driving scenarios are simulated: one with MUTCD lane shift sign configuration and the other with the MoDOT lane shift sign configuration. 75 participants with varying demographic characteristics drove on both scenarios. The data collected is analyzed with statistical data analysis tools. The results of the analysis show that, while each individual driving group has similar responses to the alternative sign configurations, responses to the individual sign configurations are significantly different across driver groups. This study also demonstrates the feasibility of the driving simulation system for analyzing driving patterns.

Meeting Name

67th Annual Conference and Expo of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (2017: May 20-23, Pittsburgh, PA)


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Research Center/Lab(s)

Intelligent Systems Center

Keywords and Phrases

Driving Simulation; Lane Shift Sign; Statistical Analyses

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2017 Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 May 2017

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