
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are communication networks built up of a collection of mobile devices which can communicate through wireless connections. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks have many challenges such as routing, which is the task of directing data packets from a source node to a given destination. This task is particularly hard in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: due to the mobility of the network elements and the lack of central control, robustness and adaptability in routing algorithms and work in a decentralized and self organizing way. Through the principles of systems architecting and Engineering; the problem statement in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks could be defined more specifically and accurately. The uncertainties and techniques for mitigating and even taking positive advantages of them can be achieved through a framework of uncertainties as in [1]. The systems methodology framework called Total Systems Intervention (TSI) described by Flood and Jackson [2] select a systems methodology for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. The purpose of this paper is to show how TSI when integrated with a framework created to understand the risks and opportunities can help develop strategies to minimize the risks and to take advantage of the opportunities for facing challenges in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.

Meeting Name

2nd Annual IEEE Systems Conference 2008


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

MANETs; Problem Definition; Total Systems Intervention; Uncertainties Framework; Ad hoc networks (Computer networks)

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version

Final Version

File Type





© 2008 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Apr 2008
