Grid-group Cm-α: Performance Prediction using Environmental and Cultural Factors
Many environments challenge human capabilities (e.g., situational stress, waiting, fatigue from long duty hours, etc.). The capability to measure and model the individual's human performance is an important first step in determining a person's or group's effectiveness in a particular situation. Human bias toward particular climates, favorite routines, capabilities and limitations strongly influence overall performance. However, the mission team and relationships amongst the team members adds a very import dimension to the performance during operations or simulations using models of humans. This paper presents the Grid-Group Cm-alpha method for predicting performance considering both environmental and cultural factors. The prediction method is based on Hooke's law which calculates the mechanical strain on a solid object given the applied physical stresses. Grid-Group Cm-alpha treats the specific cultural and environmental factors of a mission as applied stress on to the collection of individuals, the solid object. The collection of individuals has a given set of properties based on their culture and physical capacities. The resulting strain is estimated from these parameters and can be used to optimize group selection for mission objectives.
Recommended Citation
R. S. Woodley et al., "Grid-group Cm-α: Performance Prediction using Environmental and Cultural Factors," SPIE Proceedings: Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation: Theory and Applications II, vol. 6964, SPIE, Apr 2008.
The definitive version is available at
Meeting Name
SPIE Defense and Security Symposium (2008: Mar. 16-20, Orlando, FL)
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering
Second Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
Hooke's Law; Human Performance; Performance Prediction
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2008 SPIE, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Apr 2008