A Systems Engineering Evaluation of Power Generation Alternatives


The electric power industry in the United States is under political and social pressure to reduce its impact on the environment while still providing electricity to consumers. Given the size and complexity of the current electrical power grid, moving from a primarily fossil fuel power generation paradigm to one that includes a significant portion of net-zero carbon and renewable energy will require a systems approach. This study discusses some of the methods through which the nation's energy goals may be met with an emphasis on the fuel sources used to generate electrical power. Some of the available power options and methods for extracting usable energy at three geographic locations will be considered using systems engineering tools, such as feasibility studies, quality function deployment, high level trade studies. While the resources available for energy production in the United States vary greatly depending on location, these areas give a sample of some of the available alternatives and allow for the consideration of a multiple options. Drawing comparisons between these three cases will help establish a methodology and a sample of alternatives for future designers in shifting the nation's energy sources from fossil fuels to a greener and more sustainable portfolio. Copyright© (2009) by the American Society for Engineering Management.


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Electricity production; Environmental impact; Systems engineering

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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Publication Date

01 Dec 2009

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