An Approach to a Network Centric Product Development System


Current product development architectures range from vertically stove-piped organizational structure to dispersed organizational entities working in a collaborative manner. Various product development methodologies have been developed to speed the communication between product team members including co-location of the development team, email, scheduled telecom and video-com meetings, Internet Web casting to keep all team members in contact with one another. No company has implemented a network centric product development system that links all users in the product development process together in a single system where real time communication or shared databases are used or exist. This would require a company to change it business model as a network centric product development system requires closer cooperation between and within itself, subcontractors and suppliers. as an example, both Wal-Mart and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell have incorporated network centric systems into their business model with great success. C an the product development process be used on a network centric system? a Network Centric Product Development System requires a system configured and optimized to speed team communication and share product databases regardless of team member location or organizational affiliation. © 2007 by Dr. Dagli, Dr. Miller & R. Abbott.


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Second Department

Electrical and Computer Engineering

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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Publication Date

01 Dec 2007

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