Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory | Missouri University of Science and Technology Research | Scholars' Mine

Director: Dr. Daryl Beetner

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems can decrease reliability, increase cost, and delay development schedules of modern electronic systems. The S&T EMC lab supports electromagnetic compatibility, power integrity, and signal integrity research and education projects. Researchers work on a wide range of topics for government and industry; the goal of developing the knowledge base, people and tools is to solve today's EMC problems and address the EMC problems of the future.

1. Investigate critical scientific/societal challenges
2. Encourage interdisciplinary research and scholarship
3. Promote community engagement and awareness
4. Support student learning

Sponsors sponsors include the National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Navy, US Army, US Airforce, US Department of Homeland Security and more. The majority of our funding, however, comes from industry through the Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility, an NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) which is a consortium of over 20 industry leaders in EMC/SI/PI.


Browse the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory Collections:

EMC Lab Funded Theses and Dissertations

EMC Laboratory Faculty Research