Dust Figure Guided Modeling of Corona Discharge on Touchscreen Surface


Electrostatic discharge to a touchscreen display leads to a corona discharge which creates corona streamers that| propagate along the glass surface. The streamers couple energy to touch sensors underneath the glass which may then cause failure. Modeling the ionized air resistance and the current distribution on the glass surface from corona discharge is challenging. A new methodology is proposed for modeling corona discharge to a touchscreen surface with the help of experimentally measured dust figures. A geometric analysis of the dust figure and how streamer currents couple to the sensor patch matrix is given to explain the modeling method. A SPICE model is proposed to better correlate the ESD gun current with the current coupled to the sensor patches. The ability of the model to predict peak current, charge and rise time is evaluated. Predictions of peak current and charge are within 30% error.


Electrical and Computer Engineering


National Science Foundation, Grant IIP-1916535

Keywords and Phrases

Air Discharge; Corona Discharge; Dust Figure; Electrostatic Discharge; Streamer Propagation; Touchscreen

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2024 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2024

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