Using a VHDL Testbench for Transistor-Level Simulation and Energy Calculation
This paper describes a procedure to simulate a transistor-level design using a VHDL testbench. Specifically, the VHDL testbench reads the transistor-level design's outputs and supplies the inputs accordingly. This setup also allows the testbench to check for functional correctness. This type of transistor-level simulation is absolutely necessary for asynchronous circuits because the inputs change relative to handshaking signals, which are not periodic, instead of changing relative to a periodic clock pulse, as do synchronous systems. the method further supports automated calculation of power and energy metrics. This method is first demonstrated using a simple NULL Convention Logic (NCL) sequencer. It is then applied to two more complex NCL circuits, 4-bit x 4-bit unsigned dual-rail and quad-rail non-pipelined multipliers. Energy per operation is automatically calculated and compared for the two different multiplier architectures. an exhaustive testbench is used for both designs to simulate all input combinations; and the testbench checks for functional correctness, showing that both designs produce the desired output for all 256 input combinations.
Recommended Citation
A. Singh and S. C. Smith, "Using a VHDL Testbench for Transistor-Level Simulation and Energy Calculation," Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computer Design, CDES'05, pp. 115 - 121, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, Dec 2005.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
Asynchronous circuits; Delay-insensitive circuits; Energy; NULL convention logic (NCL); Power
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
Document Version
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© 2024 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Dec 2005