MATLAB-Based Introduction to Neural Networks for Sensors Curriculum


Specialists and non-specialists in artificial neural networks (ANN) must closely interact in many applications, including structural sensing. the non-specialists must be aware of ANN-specific terminology, capabilities, and connecting concepts for effective collaboration. an instructional approach for ANNs is described that progresses from practical concepts to guided MatLab-Based experimentation. Back propagation-trained multilayer perceptron neural networks are presented with an emphasis on parallel processing and training characteristics. the one-week instructional module has a lecture to convey terminology and structure, detailed examples to illustrate the training process, and guided application-Based exercises. the MatLab neural-networks toolbox provides a transparent learning environment in which the students focus on network design and training concepts rather than the tool itself. Learning effectiveness was evaluated in an applications-oriented sensors curriculum. Instructional resources including realistic problems are web-accessible. These resources may be adjusted for different degrees of challenge and for simpler or more realistic problem solving. © 2005 TEMPUS Publications.


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Second Department

Computer Science

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


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Publication Date

28 Sep 2005

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