Dissemination of Introductory Energy Systems Course Material Via the World Wide Web for a Changing Power Engineering Curriculum


Many topics in the electrical energy discipline are becoming important in light of power industry restructuring as well as an increased general emphasis on environmental awareness and energy efficiency. With one-third of total energy consumed globally going to electrical form, and the trend rising, it is important to visit many of the issues that will be one of the main driving forces of the future economy. Several topics are compiled and placed on the web. These topics can be used in a full-length course while some of the topics could easily be distributed among existing power/energy courses with some restructuring effort. Proposed topics include: conventional and non-conventional electric power generation, electric power transmission, energy efficiency, electric energy and the environment power electronics applications, electric drives and applications in industry, power quality issues, storage, and electric power industry deregulation issues. Most topics contain pictures, attractive color graphics and some animation to convey the working principles in a more easy-to-understand manner.


Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Article - Conference proceedings

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© 2024 American Society of Engineering Education, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Dec 2000

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