Study of Alien Crosstalk to a BroadR-Reach® Protocol Based System


BroadR-Reach® is a point-to-point Ethernet Physical Layer (PHY) standard, which is used in automotive applications. This technology allows full-duplex communication between two devices over a single, Unshielded Twisted-wire Pair (UTP) cable. Here, alien crosstalk in a 6 UTP bundle is investigated for meeting electromagnetic compatibility requirements. Alien crosstalk refers to crosstalk to the BroadR-Reach® communication channel from an unrelated signal wire. Alien Near-End and Far-End Crosstalk in two different UTPs with and without an inline Circular Plastic Connector (CPC) are compared to standard limits. An inline connector in the middle of a 15 m 6 UTP cable bundle, with a 25 cm untwisted region, fails the Power Sum Alien Near-End Crosstalk (PSANEXT) standard limit by 4 dB at 100 MHz, while the same bundle without the connector passes the standard by a margin of 8 dB at 100 MHz.

Meeting Name

2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2016: Jul. 25-29, Ottawa, Canada)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Center/Lab(s)

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Laboratory

Keywords and Phrases

Cables; Crosstalk; Network layers; Alien crosstalks; Automotive applications; Far end crosstalk; Full duplex communication; Near end cross talks; Physical layer standards; Plastic connectors; Twisted-wire pairs; Electromagnetic compatibility

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Sep 2016
