"Dynamic Simulation of a MEMS Cantilever Switch" by James W. Fonda and Steve Eugene Watkins


The dynamic behavior of a micro-electro-mechanicalsystem (MEMS) cantilever switch is investigated. Overactuation of the switch can degrade bounce characteristics and reduce the lifetime of the contacts. This work concerns the development of a control system that limits the number of switch bounces and reduces the impact force on the beam tip. A limited mass-spring analysis of the tip-position is given and an associated control approach is applied. Input limiting, state-feedback, and adaptive control methods are compared. All results demonstrate improved switch bounce characteristics for the simplified beam model with the adaptive showing the best performance improvement. A comprehensive finite element analysis is shown that predicts the dynamic beam behavior along the entire length. This approach produces a realistic model of the beam during switching, especially the tip displacement. A versatile control system is proposed that uses finite-element-analysis simulation and adaptive control. The feasibility of this dynamic control system is also discussed.

Meeting Name

IEEE Region 5 Annual Conference, 2006


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

MEMS; Adaptive Control; Finite Elements Analysis; Micro-Relay

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version

Final Version

File Type





© 2006 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2006

