"Behavior of advanced innovative materials for improved long-term bridg" by Wei Zheng

Doctoral Dissertations


Wei Zheng


"The dissertation is to present the investigation results and comprehensive understanding of the long-term performance and behavior of innovative construction materials. The materials are applied in bridge engineering in order to either enhance the conventional materials or replace them. The dissertation consists of two major parts: structural steel coatings for corrosion mitigation and thermal behavior of concrete bridge.

In First Part, evaluation of advanced structural steel coatings was carried out through laboratory weathering tests (salt-fog resistance test and QUV weathering test), adhesion test, and electrochemical techniques. Fifteen coating systems were evaluated in this part, which covered both coating and recoating systems on bare steel and overcoating systems on existing paint including inorganic zinc / epoxy / polyurethane and calcium sulfonate coat (CAS) currently used by U.S. DOTs. The outcome of the research provides results on performance of three generic coating systems, recommendations of coating application and overcoatability, mechanisms of corrosion development and adhesion loss of polyurea coating systems, and comparison of three major zinc-rich coating systems.

Second part presents thermal behavior of concrete beams based on field investigation and FEA simulation. Seasonal, monthly, and daily thermal characterization of L-beam was studied based on two-year temperature data from an instrumented girder of a pedestrian bridge. The thermal behavior was correlated with climate condition (solar irradiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed) at the bridge site. In addition, current AASHTO specification and design guidelines do not address thermal considerations for the girders above deck (L-beams and inverted T-beams). In order to address such issue, thermal gradient distribution and profile of L-beams and inverted T-beams are proposed"--Abstract, page iv.


Myers, John

Committee Member(s)

Chandrashekhara, K.
OKeefe, Matt
Volz, Jeffery S.
Washer, Glenn A.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Civil Engineering


China Scholarship Council
City of Rolla, Missouri
Missouri. Department of Transportation
Missouri University of Science and Technology. National University Transportation Center


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2012


xvi, 369 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references.


© 2012 Wei Zheng, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Steel, Structural -- Corrosion -- PreventionProtective coatings -- EvaluationIron and steel bridges -- CorrosionConcrete beams -- TestingWeathering

Thesis Number

T 10157

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

