"The anodic behavior of zinc in aqueous salt solutions" by Yun-chung Sun

Doctoral Dissertations


Yun-chung Sun


"The increasing demand for protective metals as coatings and non-corrosive alloys has caused extensive research on the fundamental behavior of metals in corrosive media. The problem of controlling the destructive process of metallic corrosion still exists and becomes urgent in this space age. The desirablity of metals such as beryllium, magnesium, and zinc in air frame and space structural units, because of their high strength to weight ratio, has been responsible for the considerable progress in their technology in recent years.

The basic mechanism of the anodic dissolution of metals such as zinc, cadmium, and magnesium in salt solution is not completely known. Many mechanisms have been proposed by different investigators but evidence is still lacking which would allow one to draw reliable conclusions and to explain the discrepanies which often arise between coulometric data and the weight loss of the metal electrodes in certain salt solutions.

The study of the influence of anions as well as cations on the anodic behavior of zinc undergoing dissolution might give an insight into the basic mechanism of metallic corrosion and the type of substances needed for corrosion inhibition.

The purpose of this investigation was to obtain a mechanism for the anodic dissolution of zinc that would relate the rate of dissolution, the anodic current density, the influence of anions, and other parameters to the observed behavior"--Introduction, pages 1-2.


Johnson, James W., 1930-2002
James, William Joseph


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering


University of Missouri at Rolla

Publication Date



xvii, 114 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 63-66).


© 1966 Yun-chung Sun, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Zinc -- Anodic oxidationCorrosion resistant alloys -- TestingCorrosion and anti-corrosives

Thesis Number

T 1913

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

