Doctoral Dissertations
Keywords and Phrases
drug delivery; MRI; polymers; RAFT; TBI; theranostic
"Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Neurodegenerative diseases that develop post-TBI can be, in part, attributed to DNA and cell-damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation products (LPOx). This thesis focused on overcoming the limits of current TBI material treatment approaches by employing a RAFT (reversible-addition fragmentation chain transfer) polymer approach that incorporated novel therapeutic, diagnostic and peptide-targeting monomers. An improved nanoparticle synthesis approach was also developed. Thiol and thioether-containing monomers neutralize both ROS and LPOx while Gd-containing monomers with enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast provide diagnostics and material tracking in vivo. Peptide monomer incorporation additionally promotes passage across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and accumulation in the brain.
Resulting thiol and thioether polymers provided significant neuroprotective properties, showing potential through a series of LPOx / ROS assays and in vivo mouse models. Optimized incorporation of Gd-containing monomers allowed precise material tracking in vivo, confirming accumulation in the brain. Incorporation of peptide monomers promoted polymer perfusion into the brain, surpassing the highly selective BBB. Lastly, a simple and novel one-pot reproducible nanoparticle synthesis method was established. This work highlights the adaptability and promise of both RAFT-based polymer and nanoparticles approaches to TBI treatment. In addition, it establishes novel therapeutic, diagnostic and targeting monomers that were effective in achieving their respective objectives and that may be used in future TBI material scaffold designs"-- Abstract, p. iv
Convertine, Anthony J.
Committee Member(s)
Hilmas, Greg
Yang, Hu
Brow, Richard K.
Fahrenholtz, William
Materials Science and Engineering
Degree Name
Ph. D. in Materials Science and Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Publication Date
Spring 2025
xviii, 282 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes_bibliographical_references_(pages 86, 107, 133, 155, 181 and 258-267)
©2024 Aaron Priester , All Rights Reserved
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
File Type
Thesis Number
T 12470
Recommended Citation
Priester, Aaron, "Raft-Based Polymer And Nanoparticle Materials For Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment And Diagnostics" (2025). Doctoral Dissertations. 3366.