"Determining thermal properties via parameter estimation of a one-dimen" by Lauren B. Tomanek

Doctoral Dissertations

Keywords and Phrases

Analytical model; Convection; One-dimensional; Parameter estimation; Thermal conductivity


“In thermal applications, thermal conductivity is used to predict how well a material conducts heat. The accuracy of the magnitude of the thermal conductivity becomes increasingly essential to optimize part geometry. Thermal conductivity can vary significantly from the nominal value due to post-processing. The ASTM standards available to measure thermal conductivity are challenging to reproduce because of the insulated and prescribed temperature boundary conditions that are needed. The research introduces two new methods for estimating thermal conductivity that deliver the same accuracy as the existing ASTM standards and are easier to implement. The methods account for losses in the heating to enable a better estimation of thermal conductivity. This research is directly applicable to estimating the thermal conductivity of additively manufactured materials. Additive manufacturing (AM) is being increasingly used for thermal applications; However, additive manufacturing can significantly affect thermal conductivity”--Abstract, page iv.


Stutts, Daniel S.

Committee Member(s)

Beetner, Daryl G.
Chandrashekhara, K.
Dharani, Lokeswarappa R.
Homan, Kelly
Huebner, Wayne


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering


This project was supported by National Science Foundation Grants CMMI 1625736 and EEC 1937128, Intelligent Systems Center, Manufacturing Engineering program, and Material Research Center at Missouri S&T. Their financial support is greatly appreciated.

The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the Missouri University of Science and Technology through the Mechanical and Aerospace Distinguished Undergraduate Research Fellowship, and the Chancellors’ Graduate Fellowship programs.

Research Center/Lab(s)

Intelligent Systems Center


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Spring 2022

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Material thermal properties estimation via a one-dimensional transient convection model
  • Influence of porosity on the thermal, electrical, and mechanical performance of selective laser melted stainless steel
  • Data on the validation to determine the material thermal properties estimation via a one-dimensional transient convection model
  • Thermal conductivity estimation via a multi-point harmonic one-dimensional convection model


xvi, 127 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographic references.


© 2022 Lauren Bryce Tomanek, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 12136
