Doctoral Dissertations

Keywords and Phrases

Boride; Ceramics; Thermal properties; Thermodynamics


"This research focusses on the thermophysical properties of nominally phase pure boride ceramics. As interest in ultra high temperature ceramics increases due to a renewed interest in hypersonic flight vehicles and with the expanding materials design space accompanying interest in high entropy materials, it is imperative to understand the intrinsic properties of boride ceramics. By reducing Hf content in ZrB2 from the natural abundance, ~1.75 at% in this case, to ~100 ppm, thermal conductivity increased from 88 W/m·K to 141 W/m·K. Removal of Hf allowed the thermal conductivity of ZrB2 with small transition metal solute additions to be measured without being masked by Hf impurity effects. Additions of Ti and Y reduced thermal conductivity by 20% and 30% respectively. The melting temperatures of two different types of ZrB2 were also studied. A commercially available grade of ZrB2 (~ 1.75 at% Hf) had a melting temperature of 3280°C while a low Hf (100 ppm) ZrB2 had a melting temperature of 3273°C. The kinetics of the final stage of densification was also studied for nominally phase pure ZrB2. Dislocation motion with an activation energy of 162 kJ/mol was determined to be the dominant mechanism in the absence of competing mechanisms such as grain pinning or solute drag caused by secondary phases and impurity soute atoms. The effect of configurational entropy on the solubility of yttrium in high entropy borides was investigated. No significant difference in yttrium solubility was found between nominally pure ZrB2 and a four component high entropy boride (Ti,Zr,Nb,Hf)B2. Mitigation of impurity atoms and secondary phases minimized extrinsic effect and elucidated intrinsic properties of boride ceramics"--Abstract, page iv.


Fahrenholtz, William

Committee Member(s)

Hilmas, Greg
Huebner, Wayne
Lipke, David W.
Hor, Yew San


Materials Science and Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Materials Science and Engineering


This research was funded by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-16-1-2303) and the National Science Foundation (CMMI-1902069).


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Spring 2021

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Effects of Ti, Y and Hf additions on the thermal properties of ZrB₂
  • Measurement of the melting temperature of ZrB₂ as determined by laser heating and spectrometric analysis
  • Final stage densification kinetics of direct current sintered ZrB₂
  • Yttrium solubility in high entropy boride ceramics


xii, 121 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographic references.


© 2021 Austin David Stanfield, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 11855

Electronic OCLC #

