Doctoral Dissertations

Keywords and Phrases

Complex Engineering Systems; Flexibility; Human-Technology; Strategic Management; System Of Systems; Technological Systems Management


”Flexibility is a highly desired attribute of many systems operating in changing or uncertain conditions. It is a common theme in complex systems to identify where flexibility is generated within a system and how to model the processes needed to maintain and sustain flexibility. The key research question that is addressed is: how do we create a new definition of workforce flexibility within a human-technology-artificial intelligence environment?

Workforce flexibility is the management of organizational labor capacities and capabilities in operational environments using a broad and diffuse set of tools and approaches to mitigate system imbalances caused by uncertainties or changes. We establish a baseline reference for managers to use in choosing flexibility methods for specific applications and we determine the scope and effectiveness of these traditional flexibility methods.

The unique contributions of this research are: a) a new definition of workforce flexibility for a human-technology work environment versus traditional definitions; b) using a system of systems (SoS) approach to create and sustain that flexibility; and c) applying a coordinating strategy for optimal workforce flexibility within the human- technology framework. This dissertation research fills the gap of how we can model flexibility using SoS engineering to show where flexibility emerges and what strategies a manager can use to manage flexibility within this technology construct”--Abstract, page iii.


Qin, Ruwen

Committee Member(s)

Corns, Steven
Dagli, Cihan H., 1949-
Leu, M. C. (Ming-Chuan)
Long, Suzanna, 1961-


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Engineering Management


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2020


x, 141 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographic references (pages 125-140).


© 2020 Walter Louis Barnes II, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 11774

Electronic OCLC #

