"Local alternative sources for cogeneration combined heat and power sys" by Abdulhakim Amer Agll

Doctoral Dissertations

Keywords and Phrases

Energy analysis; Hydrogen and power system; Local alternative sources; Molten carbonate fuel cell


"Global demand for energy continues to grow while countries around the globe race to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions by implementing policy measures and advancing technology. Sustainability has become an important issue in transportation and infrastructure development projects. While several agencies are trying to incorporate a range of sustainability measures in their goals and missions, only a few planning agencies have been able to implement these policies and they are far from perfect. The low rate of success in implementing sustainable policies is primarily due to incomplete understanding of the system and the interaction between various elements of the system. The conventional planning efforts focuses mainly on performance measures pertaining to the system and its impact on the environment but seldom on the social and economic impacts.

The objective of this study is to use clean and alternative energy can be produced from many sources, and even use existing materials for energy generation. One such pathway is using wastewater, animal and organic waste, or landfills to create biogas for energy production. There are three tasks for this study. In topic one evaluated the energy saving that produced from combined hydrogen, heat, and power and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions by using local sustainable energy at the Missouri S&T campus to reduce energy consumption and fossil fuel usage. Second topic aimed to estimate energy recovery and power generation from alternative energy source by using Rankin steam cycle from municipal solid waste at Benghazi- Libya. And the last task is in progress. The results for topics one and two have been presented"--Abstract, page iv.


Midha, A. (Ashok)
Sheffield, John W.

Committee Member(s)

Landers, Robert G.
Chandrashekhara, K.
Samaranayake, V. A.


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2015

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Study of a molten carbonate fuel cell combined heat, hydrogen and power system: Energy analysis
  • Study of energy recovery and power generation from alternative energy source
  • Development of design a drop-in hydrogen fueling station


xii, 75 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographic references.

Geographic Coverage

Benghazi, Libya


© 2015 Abdulhakim Amer Agll, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Cogeneration of electric power and heatRenewable energy sourcesEnergy policyMolten carbonate fuel cellsHydrogen as fuel

Thesis Number

T 10811

Electronic OCLC #



Dissertation Location

