Doctoral Dissertations
Keywords and Phrases
Bit error rate eye contour; Floquet; Inhomogeneous media; NEXT; Statistical eye diagram
"In Section 1, the focus is on alleviating the modeling challenges by breaking the overall geometry into small, unique sections and using either a Full-Wave or fast equivalent per-unit-length (Eq. PUL) resistance, inductance, conductance, capacitance (RLGC) method or a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) for the broadside coupled traces that cross at an angle. The simulation challenge is resolved by seamlessly integrating the models into a statistical simulation tool that is able to quantify the eye opening at BERs that would help electrical designers in locating crosstalk sensitive regions in the high speed backplane channel designs.
Section 2 investigates the FEXT crosstalk impact on eye opening at a specified bit error rate (BER) at different signal speeds for broadside and edge side differential coupled traces in inhomogeneous media and compared the results against homogeneous media models. A set of design guidelines regarding the material, coupled length and stackup parameter selection is formulated for designers based on the signaling speeds.
The major objective of the study in Section 3 is to determine quantitatively the effect of crosstalk due to periodic broadside coupled routing. Another objective is to help designers figure out the “dos” and “don’ts” of broadside coupled routing for higher signaling rates.
A new methodology is proposed in Section 4 to generate BER contours that capture the Tx driver jitter and ISI through the channel accurately using unique waveforms created from truth table bit combinations. It utilizes 2N short N bit patterns as waveforms and jitter correlation from current bit pattern into adjacent bit patterns to get equivalent transient simulation of a very large bit pattern."--Abstract, page iii.
Fan, Jun, 1971-
Committee Member(s)
Drewniak, James L.
Beetner, Daryl G.
DuBroff, Richard E.
Mutnury, Bhyrav
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Degree Name
Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Publication Date
Fall 2014
xiii, 142 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes bibliographical references (pages 135-141).
© 2014 Arun Reddy Chada, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
File Type
Subject Headings
Printed circuits -- Design and constructionCrosstalkElectronic circuits -- NoiseSignal integrity (Electronics)
Thesis Number
T 10604
Electronic OCLC #
Recommended Citation
Chada, Arun Reddy, "Modeling and estimation of crosstalk across a channel with multiple, non-parallel coupling and crossings of multiple aggressors in practical PCBS" (2014). Doctoral Dissertations. 2338.