"Geochemical and isotopic characterization of lead in fugitive dust fro" by Emitt C. Witt

Doctoral Dissertations


Emitt C. Witt


"Eighteen unsurfaced roadways in Missouri's rural Ozark region were sampled to characterize the differences in trace element and isotopic chemistry to determine if there is a human health concern with inhaling and/or ingestion of fugitive dust generated by a moving vehicle. Road reaches were selected to represent those in similar rural areas with and without the presence of mining activity--13 roads were selected in the Viburnum Trend (VT) resource mining area and five were located to the southwest of the mining areas. Samples were collected using a novel cyclonic fugitive dust sampler (patent pending) that collects a composite sample from a specific reach length of road surface directly from suspension. Preliminary results show that road dusts collected from the VT area have substantially larger concentrations of contaminant trace elements relative to those roads in non-mining areas with Pb being the predominant trace metal. Sequential extraction analysis of samples shows that Pb in the VT dusts is most often associated with the exchangeable + carbonate and reducible phases whereas road dusts outside the mining area had a larger proportion of the total concentration associated with the less mobile oxidizable and residual geochemical phases. In vitro simulated body fluid extractions revealed that as much as 78% and 100% of the total Pb concentration in mining road dusts is extracted by gastric and artificial lung fluids, respectively. Isotopic ratios of Pb from the individual sequential extracts for all dust samples show minimal difference indicating mixing among the operational phases; however, three component end-member mixing was useful in apportioning the total labile Pb among smelter deposition and/or fugitive road haulage, natural bedrock soils, and US aerosols"--Abstract, page iv.


Wronkiewicz, David J.

Committee Member(s)

Hogan, John Patrick
Rogers, J. David
Shi, Honglan
Pavlowsky, Robert T.


Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Geology and Geophysics


Missouri University of Science and Technology. Environmental Research Center


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Fall 2013

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Preliminary assessment of an economical fugitive road dust sampler for the collection of bulk samples for geochemical analysis
  • Trace metals in fugitive dust from unsurfaced roads in the Viburnum Trend resource mining District of Missouri--Implementation of a direct-suspension sampling methodology
  • Phase partitioning and bioaccessibility of Pb in suspended dust from unsurfaced roads in Missouri--A potential tool for determining mitigation response
  • Using lead isotopes to determine lead source apportionment in fugitive dust from unsurfaced roads in the southeast Missouri Mining District


xiv, 239 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 229-238).

Geographic Coverage



© 2013 Emitt Cleveland Witt, III, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Dirt roads -- Environmental aspects -- MissouriGravel roads -- Environmental aspects -- MissouriSoils -- Heavy metal content -- Environmental aspectsSoils -- Heavy metal content -- Health aspectsAir -- Pollution -- Health aspects

Thesis Number

T 10427

Electronic OCLC #

