Doctoral Dissertations

Keywords and Phrases



"Neural networks, a powerful machine learning paradigm, have been successfully applied to a wide spectrum of practical problems. Being universal approximators, the neural networks work best with quantitative inputs, when different values of an input indicate different magnitudes (e.g., intensity). For ordinal inputs, when different values of an input signify order relation (e.g., position in a sequence), the neural networks are still able to do a decent job, but for categorical inputs, when different values of an input correspond to different qualities (e.g., shape), performance on real-life problems often suffers.

To feed categorical values to a neural network, they are enumerated either as real values or binary vectors. However, this encoding introduces false magnitude and order relationships to input data. To handle vectors of the categorical valued inputs, one can use a metric that discards the magnitude/order noise introduced by numerical encoding of the categorical values. One such metric is Hamming distance. The applicability of Hamming distance for neural networks has not adequately been studied. This work fills the gap and shows that probabilistic neural networks using Hamming distance with categorical inputs retain their asymptotic Bayes optimal properties.

Further, ensembles of probabilistic neural networks with Hamming distance kernels are used to classify sequences of system calls in a host-based intrusion detector. The networks are trained to detect rare occurrences of malicious program behavior among a dominant amount of normal data, while minimizing the false positive alarm rate. The performance is significantly better than other published neural network IDS results"-- Abstract, p. iv


Wunsch, Donald C.

Committee Member(s)

Miller, Ann K.
Acar, Levent
Stanley, R. Joe
Dagli, Cihan H., 1949-


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Computer Engineering


Partial support for this research from the National Science Foundation, from Sandia National Laboratories, and from the M. K. Finley Missouri endowment, is gratefully acknowledged.


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date

Fall 2004

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Host based intrusion detection using Probabilistic Neural Networks and AdaBoost
  • Probabilistic neural networks with Hamming distance kernels for categorical inputs


ix, 55 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 52-54)


© 2004 Alexander Novokhodko, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Computer securityNeural networks (Computer science)Radial basis functions

Thesis Number

T 8645

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