"Derivation of a coupled-circuit model for analysis and design of claw-" by Hua Bai

Doctoral Dissertations


Hua Bai


"In this research, a coupled-circuit model of a claw pole alternator/rectifier system is derived. To derive the model, analytical techniques are used to define a three-dimensional Fourier-series representation of the air gap flux density. Included in the series expansion are the harmonics introduced by rotor saliency, concentrated stator windings, and stator slots. From the air gap flux density waveform, relatively simple closed-form expressions for the stator and rotor self- and mutual-inductances are obtained. Magnetic saturation is modeled using individual saturation factors for the respective flux density harmonics. The saturation factors are determined from open-circuit stator voltages based upon the assumption that saturation occurs in the direct-axis magnetizing path. A magnetizing current, which includes armature reaction, is defined in order to determine the magnetic operating point. The coupled-circuit model has been implemented in the simulation of several alternator/rectifier systems using a commercial state-model-based circuit analysis program. Comparisons with experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the model in predicting both the steady state and transient behavior of the systems"--Abstract, page iv.


Pekarek, Steven

Committee Member(s)

Crow, Mariesa
Richards, Earl F., 1923-
Stigall, Paul D.
Eversman, Walter


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Name

Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering


Dr. Steven D. Pekarek
University of Missouri--Rolla. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Delphi Automotive Systems (Firm)


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date

Summer 2001

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Derivation of a Lumped-Parameter Coupled-Circuit Model of a Claw-Pole Alternator with Concentrated Stator Windings
  • Analytical Derivation of a Coupled-Circuit Model of a Claw-Pole Alternator with Concentrated Stator Windings
  • Incorporation of Magnetic Saturation in a Physical-Variable Model of a Claw-Pole Alternator with Concentrated Stator Windings


x, 65 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references.


© 2001 Hua Bai, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Electric machinery, SynchronousElectric currents, AlternatingElectric current rectifiers

Thesis Number

T 7976

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