"Non-Destructive Testing for Earthquake Hazards Mapping, Southeast Miss" by David J. Hoffman, Richard Wesley Stephenson et al.

Non-Destructive Testing for Earthquake Hazards Mapping, Southeast Missouri, USA


Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Seismic Cone Penetrometer Test, Cross-hole and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity shear wave velocity (Vs) data were acquired at 40 sites in the Poplar Bluff study area, southeast Missouri, USA. Poplar Bluff is located near the New Madrid Seismic Zone of southeast Missouri and adjacent states, the scene of three magnitude 7.5 to 8.0 earthquakes in 1811-1812. The Poplar Bluff area includes terrain in two very different physiographic provinces, the alluvial soil lowlands of the Mississippi Embayment and the residual soil uplands of the Ozarks. Shear wave velocity data along with databases of soil stratigraphy were used to characterize the geomaterials and generate a suite of 3-D maps depicting spatial variations in thickness, stratigraphy and Vs of soils in the Poplar Bluff area. A 3-D shallow subsurface materials model, complete with Vs test data, and an earthquake soil amplification map were prepared as well. These maps depict the lateral variability of the shallow subsurface geomaterials' Vs and stratigraphy,' and their range of values or properties. The MASW technique for determining Vs was found to be the most useful and economical.

Meeting Name

Ground Modification and Seismic Mitigation - GeoShanghai Conference (2006: Jun. 6-8, Shanghai, China)


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Second Department

Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Database systems; Mathematical models; Nondestructive examination; Shear waves; Stratigraphy; Surface waves; Earthquake hazards; Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW); Seismic Cone Penetrometer Tests; Shear wave velocity, Earthquakes

Geographic Coverage

Southeast Missouri

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2006 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jun 2006

