Essentials of the Nurse + Engineer: Chemical Engineers and Healthcare Devices


Increasingly, nurses and engineers are working together in teams in the classroom, in research, and in practice to improve health for patients - including individuals, families, and communities. To support the integration of engineering and nursing, a series of three interconnected laboratory modules were used to introduce interprofessional co-design of chemical engineering processes and devices. These modules are part of an existing graduate class teaching biological principles of environmental engineering, which is available to meet the degree requirements of graduate students in chemical engineering, environmental engineering, as well as nursing (via distance education). Results of end-of-semester summative evaluations suggest that interprofessional (graduate) students generally appreciate the opportunity to work together at the interface of diverse disciplines to solve problems through a convergent approach. As described previously, the nurse+engineer is an emerging V-shaped professional who shows potential to build a better future. The results of this study highlight the importance of interprofessional co-design as an essential skill of the nurse+engineer.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

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Article - Conference proceedings

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© 2024 American Society for Engineering Education, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

23 Jun 2024

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