Resilience Quantification of a Steel Hospital Subject to Earthquake


The premise of the concept of community resilience hinges on preventing extreme hazard events from becoming disasters through quick recovery of its various infrastructure to or near their original functionality level prior to hazard occurrence. Recovery of critical facilities and public assemblies is particularly important since they are vital for short-term and long termfunctioning of the community. For example, if a hospital is severely damaged during a seismic event, this could lead to shortage in the hospitalization service provided to the population, which will in turn result in substantial social and economic losses. In this study, a sixstory hospital located in Memphis, TN, is modeled using a comprehensive 3-D finite element model with detailed representation of material inelasticity and geometric nonlinear it y while including soil-structure interaction. The model is utilized to investigate seismic recovery and resilience of the hospital. This is conducted by utilizing existing fragility and socio-economic loss functions to derive the building functionality drop immediately following hazard occurrence. To estimate the building functionality recovery, a virtual community is assumed, which comprises of six different lifelines including the hospital. In addition, the community's limited resources such as repair crews, expected economic return for each lifeline, and interdependence between the different lifelines is modeled. Different lifeline's recovery is estimated using Continuous Markov Chain Process, in which community resources are distributed among differe nt lifelines using a dynamic optimization tool to either obtain the most economic return for the whole community or the fastest recovery of the hospital.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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Publication Date

01 Jan 2018

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