"A Numerical Comparison of Different Approximation Techniques in Meshfr" by Arezoo Emdadi, Nicolas Ali Libre et al.

A Numerical Comparison of Different Approximation Techniques in Meshfree Methods


There is a great interest in applying numerical methods for solution of partial differential equations of various types of engineering problems. Numerical solution of partial differential equation consist of two main parts: approximating the solution of equation (or unknown function) then determining the unknown function by embedding approximated solution in the governing equation in the weak or strong form and applying boundary conditions to determine the unknown function. Accuracy and efficiency of numerical method is strictly dependent to accuracy and efficiency of these two parts. During last decade, various methods have been evolved rapidly and efficient methods such as EFG, SPH, PIM, MFS and RBF were successfully used for different engineering problems. In this paper we compare accuracy and efficiency of different techniques used in meshfree methods which proposed and used by researchers for approximating the solution of equation. Results show that there is a great difference between accuracy and time efficiency of these meshfree methods. Some numerical example in elasticity problems were studied in this paper. Stress and displacement approximation of a cracked media also studied in this paper to reveal the efficiency of mesh free methods in approximating singular functions and its derivatives.

Meeting Name

5th International Conference on Computational Technology, ECT 2006 (2006: Sep. 12-15, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Approximation methods; EFG; Meshfree; PIM; RBF; SPH

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2006 Civil-Comp Press, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2006

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