Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Dissertations



Dissertations from 1989

Nonlinear analysis of low-rise reinforced concrete shear wall buildings subjected to multicomponent seismic input, Gregory E. Mertz


Liquefaction and settlement characteristics of silt soils, John Arthur Sandoval-Shannon


Development and evaluation of an instrumentation system for high acceleration centrifuge testing of an artificial rock material, Padmakar Srivastava

A hydrologic dynamic runoff model, Sompop Sucharit


Time characteristics of small watersheds in response to the probable maximum precipitation, Brian Jay Swenty

Determining parameters for a continuous simulation model by estimation, synthetic calibration and analytic calibration, David Brian Thompson

Dissertations from 1988

Reliability-based optimum design of structures subjected to various seismic loadings, Chein-Chi Chang

Toxicity evaluation and biological treatment of lead and zinc mine-mill effluents in Southeast Missouri, Zeynep Mujde Erten

Sorption and desorption of volatile organic compounds by soils and sediments, Hossein Ganjidoost

Dissertations from 1987

Dynamic behavior of biofilms in wastewater treatment, Yow-Chyun Liu


Development of design criteria for ferritic stainless steel cold-formed structural members and connections, Pieter van der Merwe

Effective design widths of high strength cold-formed steel members, Lan-Cheng Pan

Optimal design of seismic and wind structures with active controls, Chris P. Pantelides


Structural behavior of members consisting of flat and curved elements, M. Brad Parks

Dissertations from 1986

Optimum design of braced and unbraced frameworks subjected to static, seismic, and wind forces with building code provisions, Der-Shin Juang

Use of optimization models in the design of wastewater treatment systems, Shu-Liang Liaw


Structural design of coal-fueled power plant ductwork, Stanley Pearce Rader


Web crippling of high strength cold-formed steel beams, Chiravut Santaputra

A continuous spaciotemporal stochastic model for short-time-increment precipitation, Lloyd Christopher Wilson


An investigation of signs for median crossovers, Gillian M. Worsey

Dissertations from 1985

Optimal design of 3-D reinforced concrete and steel buildings subjected to static and seismic loads, Kevin Zane Truman

Moisture diffusion and generated stresses in expansive soils by the boundary element method, Mimoun Zoukaghe

Dissertations from 1984

Three-dimensional response of a pile-supported multistory building to seismic disturbances, Jalal Uddin Khandoker


Liquefaction behavior and dynamic properties of loessial (silty) soils, Vijay Kumar Puri

Anaerobic fluidized bed digestion of waste activated sludge, Billy Thornton Ray

Relative durability of shale, David Newton Richardson

A study of the permeability of clays subjected to organic and inorganic permeants, Janardanan O. Uppot

Dissertations from 1983

Plane strain deformations of viscoelastic rubber covered rolls, Chandrashekhar Narayan Bapat

Investigation of the dry and wet engineering behavior of Icelandic lava-gravels, Gunnar Ingi Birgisson

Dissertations from 1982

Assessment of the triaxial falling head permeability testing technique, Gregory Wallace Carpenter

A constitutive model for the mechanical properties of rock, Tsung-Wen Yang

Dissertations from 1981

Parametric study of silo-material interaction, Ghazi Saleh Hasanain


Load and resistance factor design of cold-formed steel structural members, Boonsong Supornsilaphachai

Dissertations from 1979

Behavior of elastic and inelastic three-dimensional building systems for static loads and multicomponent earthquakes, Prasert Kitipitayangkul

The zero order watershed, Melvin G. Schaefer

Dissertations from 1978


Web crippling strength and a combination of bending and web crippling of cold-formed steel beams, Nipon Hetrakul

Strength of cold-formed steel reinforced beam webs in bending, shear, and web crippling, Nguyen Phung

Shallow foundations on dense silty loessial soil, Charles Orrick Riggs

Development of a dynamic flood routing model for small meandering rivers, Roger Haden Smith

Optimum design of plane tall steel structures for simultaneous multicomponent static, dynamic, and seismic inputs, Dhiraphorn Srifuengfung

A three-dimensional analysis of extrusion and metal forming by the finite element method, William Donald Webster

Dissertations from 1977

Systems engineering as applied to Public Works Engineering Administration Educational Training Program, Seid Hossein Abtahi


Strength of cold-formed steel beam webs in bending, shear, and a combination of bending and shear, Roger A. LaBoube

Prediction models for commuter rail services, Suppamas Prachakvej

Aerobic digestion of sewage lime sludge, Kuo-Chun Tsai

Dissertations from 1976

Network models for managing turnkey projects, George Edward Cannon Jr.

Environmental effects on composite-girder bridge structures, J. Leroy Hulsey

Sulfide generation in experimental filled pipes, Muthiah Mariappan

Behavior of inelastic multi-story structures subjected to 2-D earthquakes, Kenneth Byron Oster

A study of the lateral displacement phenomena, for uninterrupted traffic flow on freeways, Ali A. Selim

Dissertations from 1974


Structural behavior of cold-formed steel members made of thick sheets and plates, Ai-Shen Liu


Evaluation of methods for the recovery, chemical and toxicological characterization of trace organics, James Robert Matthews


Removal of nutrients by sorption on activated alumina, Checkman Michael Yue

Dissertations from 1973


Nonlinear optimum design of dynamic damped structures, Mark E. Botkin


Analysis of continuous curvilinear structures by infinite matrix series methods, Trinh-Ngoc Rang


Dynamic instability and ultimate capacity of inelastic systems parametrically excited by earthquakes, Wu-Hsiung Tseng

Dissertations from 1972


The structural behavior of cold-formed steel members with perforated elements, Charles S. Davis


Computer assisted teaching of steel design, Wendelin Henry Mueller III


Probabilistic models for construction estimating and bidding, James E. Spooner

Dissertations from 1971


Dynamic behavior of eccentrically stiffened plates, Charles Stuart Ferrell


Transient hydraulic simulation: breached earth dams, D. L. Fread

Dissertations from 1968


The identification and evaluation of toxic effects of organic micropollutants, John Warren Smith

Dissertations from 1967


Matrix computer analysis of curvilinear grid systems, David Leon Fenton