
The burgeoning field of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for diabetes management faces significant challenges, particularly in achieving precise and stable biosensor performance under changing environmental conditions such as varying glucose concentrations and O2 levels. To address this, we present a novel biosensor based on the electroless coupling of glucose oxidation catalyzed by flavin-dependent glucose dehydrogenase (FAD-GDH) and O2 reduction catalyzed by bilirubin oxidase (BOD) via a redox polymer, dimethylferrocene-modified linear poly(ethylenimine), FcMe2-LPEI. Initial cyclic voltammetry tests confirm the colocalization of both enzymatic reactions within the potential range of the polymer, indicating an effective electron shuttle mechanism. As a result, we created a hybrid biosensor that operates at open-circuit potential (OCP). It can detect glucose concentrations of up to 100 mM under various O2 conditions, including ambient air. This resulted from optimizing the enzyme ratio to 120 ± 10 mUBOD·U-1FAD-GDH·atm-1O2. This biosensor is highly sensitive, a crucial feature for CGM applications. This distinguishes it from FAD-GDH traditional biosensors, which require a potential to be applied to measure glucose concentrations up to 30 mM. In addition, this biosensor demonstrates the ability to function as a noninvasive, external device that can adapt to changing glucose levels, paving the way for its use in diabetes care and, potentially, personalized healthcare devices. Furthermore, by leveraging the altered metabolic pathways in tumor cells, this system architecture opened up new avenues for targeted glucose scavenging and O2 reduction in cancer therapy.




Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, Grant CHE-2154206/CHE-2406605

Keywords and Phrases

biosensor; electroless coupling; glucose oxidation; O reduction 2; redox polymer

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Journal

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© 2024 American Chemical Society, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

28 Jun 2024

PubMed ID


Included in

Chemistry Commons
