In vitro> Study of Improved Wound-healing Effect of Bioactive Borate using -Based Glass Nano-/micro-Fibers


Because of the promising wound-healing capability, bioactive glasses have been considered as one of the next generation hard- and soft-tissue regeneration materials. The lack of understanding of the substantial mechanisms, however, indicates the need for further study on cell-glass interactions to better interpret the rehabilitation capability. In the present work, three bioactive glass nano-/micro-fibers, silicate-based 45S5, borate-based 13-93B3 and 1605 (additionally doped with copper oxide and zinc oxide), were firstly compared for their in vitro soaking/conversion rate. The results of elemental monitoring and electron microscopic characterization demonstrated that quicker ion releasing and glass conversion occurred in borate-based fibers than that of silicate-based one. This result was also reflected by the formation speed of hydroxyapatite (HA). This process was further correlated with original boron content and surrounding rheological condition. We showed that an optimal fiber pre-soaking time (or an ideal dynamic flow rate) should exist to stimulate the best cell proliferation and migration ability. Moreover, 13-93B3 and 1605 fibers showed different glass conversion and biocompatibility properties as well, indicating that trace amount variation in composition can also influence fiber's bioactivity. In sum, our in vitro rheological module closely simulated in vivo niche environment and proved a potentially improved wound-healing effect by borate-based glass fibers, and the results shall cast light on future improvement in bioactive glass fabrication.



Second Department

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Cell Proliferation/Migration; Dynamic Flow Module; Glass Conversion; Hydroxyapatite Formation; Silicate-/Borate-based Bioactive Glass Fibers; Soft Tissue Wound-healing; Biocompatibility; Cell Proliferation; Fibers; Glass Fibers; Hydroxyapatite; Silicates; Tissue; Tissue Regeneration; Dynamic Flows; Future Improvements; Glass Fabrication; Hydroxyapatite Formations; Microscopic Characterization; Migration Ability; Wound Healing; Wound Healing Effects; Bioactive Glass; Boric Acid; Glass; Glass Fiber; Hydroxyapatite; Nanofiber; Silicate; Chemistry; Drug Effects; Hardness; Procedures; Tissue Engineering; Tissue Scaffold; Wound Healing; Borates; Durapatite

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 2015 Elsevier Ltd, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Oct 2015
