Variable-temperature Magic-angle-spinning Technique for Studies of Mobile Species in Solid-state NMR
The utility of variable-temperature (VT) magic-angle-spinning (MAS) Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance (FT-NMR) spectroscopy is demonstrated for the study of mobile species in solids, especially when quadrupolar nuclei are being observed A new VT-MAS probe is described for use in the temperature range 150-400 K, using spectrometers with high-field superconducting magnets. It has been utilized in studies of the bonding and dynamics of alkali-metal cations in hydrated zeolites at an applied field of 7.05 T. Results are presented for the cases of Cs/Na-A and Cs/Li-A zeolites, in which the Cs+ ions exchange rapidly, at 293 K, between six-ring and eight-ring sites in the large cage, so that on the time scale of the NMR measurements the ions are indistinguishable and a single 133Cs resonance is observed. Below 250 K, two well-resolved signals are observed in the Cs/Na-A zeolite, 107 ppm apart. These are easily assigned to the Cs ions in the two sites, the large difference in chemical shifts being attributed to the stronger bonding of Cs+ ions at the six-ring sites. Three sites are distinguished in the Cs/Li-A zeolite, the third site being assigned to a position near a four-ring in the large cage. © 1989 American Chemical Society.
Recommended Citation
T. Tokuhiro et al., "Variable-temperature Magic-angle-spinning Technique for Studies of Mobile Species in Solid-state NMR," Journal of Physical Chemistry, American Chemical Society (ACS), Jan 1989.
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© 1989 American Chemical Society (ACS), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 1989