Chemistry Dissertations



Dissertations from 1997

Chlorinated polyolefin adhesion promoters for polypropylene, William L. Dechent

Electrocrystallization and scanning probe microscopy of ceramic thin films and superlattices, Chen-Jen Hung

Structures, adsorption, and dynamics of 3-acryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane and mechanical properties of its composites, Hyoryoon Jo


Segmental dynamics in bulk and adsorbed poly(methyl acrylate)-d₃ by deuterium NMR, Wuu-Yung Lin

Synthesis and characterization of metal ion binding polyesters containing 2,2'-biimidazole, Rebecca Lynn Lister

Characterization of environmentally active aerosols: jet engine emissions, Jonathan D. Paladino

An investigation of the coordination chemistry of selected heterocyclic ligands, Paula M. Secondo

Plasma-deposited beryllium carbide coatings for application to inertial confinement fusion, Wu-Sheng Shih

Development of a spectrophotometric integration technique for flash rust staining determination and an investigation of the flash rust phenomenon in latex paints applied to steel and its control, Emerentiana Sianawati

Preparation and properties of optically transparent poly(methylmethacrylate) glass fiber sandwich composites, Ronald Kelvin Six

Solar simulated photodegradation of polystyrene: phthalocyanine pigments and methyl methacrylate as inhibitor of photo degradation process, Diep Vo Trinh

The roles of glutamine and glutathione in radiation stress, including development of a novel method for biological thiol analysis, Roger A. Winters

Dissertations from 1996

Electrochemical deposition and characterization of silver oxide nitrate and silver oxide thin films, Bryan E. Breyfogle


Ultrasonically initiated free radical catalyzed emulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate, H. C. Joe Chou

Characterization of non-asbestos friction materials, Feng Dong

Characterization of an organic solvent (di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid) used in galvanic stripping, Walailak Puetpaiboon

Macrocyclic antibiotics as new chiral selectors for capillary electrophoresis and use of capillary electrophoresis to evaluate binding behavior, Kimber Lee Mahealani Rundlett

A counterflow oxidative process for thermal degradation of polychlorinated organics, Keon-Sang Ryoo

Assessment of oxidative stress in lead-poisoning and therapeutic implications, Piyanee Treeratphan

Dynamics study of block copolymers in solution and on surfaces, Ming Xie

Photodegradation for decontamination of polychlorinated aromatics and related compounds, Qi Yan

New approaches for preparative and analytical scale enantiomeric separations, Eve Yiwen Zhou

Dissertations from 1995

The xenon record of double beta-decay and element synthesis, Jauh-Tzuoh Lee

Evaluation of polyaniline in corrosion protection and microwave initiated free radical catalyzed polymerizations: polystyrene, Srinivas Pravin Sitaram

Phototransformation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in the gas and particulate phase, Loren D. Sivils

Interfacial mobility and the mechanical properties of surface-modified glass/epoxy composites, Wei-Hang Timothy Wang

Dissertations from 1994

The HPLC chiral resolution and solid state enantiomeric enrichment of optically active molecules using cyclodextrin or vancomycin chiral selector, Shushi Chen

Synthesis, characterization and application studies of copolyimides, Youbang Liu

Gas-solid and gas-liquid chromatographic stationary phases for the separation of volatiles and enantiomers, George Leo Reid

Resonance Raman investigations of heterogeneous systems using azo dyes as probes, Heping Wang


Synthesis and characterization of binuclear and unsymmetrical phthalocyanines, Jiang Yang

Dissertations from 1993

A Mössbauer effect and Fenske-Hall molecular orbital study of the electronic properties of organoiron clusters, Margaret Linn Buhl

Centrifugal partition, liquid, and gas chromatography separation of biologically important chiral molecules, Adam Chau-Dung Chang

Synthesis and characterization of polycarbonates containing 2,2'-biimidazole, Il Young Cho

Raman detection of protein conformational changes: antigen-adjuvant interactions, Mijin Jang Cho

Characteristic modifications due to 2-methyl-1,3-propanediol in polymers, Pamela M. Duncan

Ultrasonic polymerization and ultrasonic dispersion of pigments, Younhee Kim

The noble gas geochemistry of Kuroko deposits and some barites, Bin Li

Applications of centrifugal partition chromatography, Randy A. Menges

A kinetic investigation of the aminolysis of activated esters of indole-3-acetic acid in acetonitrile, Michael J. Pfeiffer

Enantiomeric separation via chromatography using cyclodextrin stationary phases, Yubing Tang


Self-diffusion studies in polymer-solvent systems by pulsed-gradient spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance, R. Allen Waggoner

Preparation and properties of optically transparent, pressure-cured poly(methyl methacrylate) composites, Kevin D. Weaver


The isolation and characterization of phenylalanine ammonia lyase from Schizophyllum commune and an attempt to isolate the gene, Jiamin Zeng

Dissertations from 1992

Enantiomeric separation by high-performance liquid chromatography using cyclodextrin stationary phases, San-Chun Chang

NMR studies of dynamics and structure in surfactant systems, Joseph R. Duke

Synthesis and characterization of Copper(II) complexes and addition polymers of 1-Vinyl-4'(5')-Trifluoromethyl-2,2'-Biimidazole and 1-Vinyl-1'-Methyl-4'-Trifluoromethyl-2,2'-Biimidazole, Rick Allen Elmer

Dynamics of polyacrylates in bulk and adsorbed to a silica surface as determined by deuterium NMR, Robert B. Funchess

Characterization of fiber reinforced phenolic composites, Subramaniam Narayan

Dissertations from 1991


New bio-analytical separations utilizing chiral mobile phase additives in thin layer chromatography and chiral stationary phases in high performance liquid chromatography, Jo Dee Duncan

New approaches to enantiomeric separation by high performance liquid chromatography, Martha Lynne Hilton

Enantiomeric separation by capillary gas chromatography using derivatized cyclodextrin stationary phases, Weiyong Li

Dissertations from 1990

The aminolysis of the N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of phenylacetic acids, Robert Dean Baker

Polymer synthesis and characterization, Terry Lynn Bone

Surfactant association structures and emulsion polymerization, James E. Funk

Polymerization in organized media, Robert J. Gambogi

Dynamics of silane coupling agents in bulk and adsorbed on silica surfaces, Hye-Jung Kang

Structural elucidation of micellar solutions, Paul M. Lindemuth

The kinetics and mechanisms of the alcoholysis and hydrolysis of alkoxysilanes, David J. Oostendorp

Motion of block copolymers on surfaces and characterization of resins for friction materials, Brijnaresh R. Sinha

Metal salt catalyzed carbenoids IV, Shahram Yousefian

Dissertations from 1989

The conformational requirements for binding of ketanserin analogues to the serotonin (5HT₂) receptor: a molecular modeling approach, Scott A. DePriest

The design of silicon-based polyimide as a submicron resolution directly imagable electron-beam resist, Benjamin Chung-Peng Ho

Plasma polmerization and plasma treatment for modification of surfaces of polymeric materials, Yu Iriyama

Abrasion resistant coatings on plastics, Pornchai Laoharojanaphand

Interaction of N-propanol and N-propanol/water mixtures with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate hydrogels which contain methyl, ethyl or butyl methacrylate, Norman D. Lian

Plasma synthesis of iron-containing thin films, Jui-Lung Li

A study of the chemical behavior and natural cycles of selenium and tellurium in air, Sirinart Muangnoicharoen

Molecular mobility of toluene in polystyrene solutions, Byaporn Nanagara

Magnetic and hyperfine interactions in several rare earth-transition metal intermetallic compounds, Dwayne E. Tharp

Synthesis, solubilization, and polymerization in new surfactant systems, Yuh-Jye Uang

Dissertations from 1988

Aminolysis of N-hydroxysuccinimide esters, Gary Wayne Cline

Stratum corneum lipids: structure and interaction with a modified triglyceride, Lisa Beth Goldsmith

Hexaaza macrocyclic complexes containing biimidazole, Samir Saad Kandil

The synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes of 2,2'-biimidazole-containing polyurethanes, Frank Jian-Lin Liu

The hydrolysis, adsorption, and dynamics of silane coupling agents on a silica surface, Wiriya Meesiri

Dissertations from 1987


Microemulsions, lyotropic liquid crystals, and other association structures, Jiafu Fang

Investigation of the water-isocyanate reaction, David W. Ihms

Double beta-decay of selenium-82, tellurium-128 and tellurium-130, Wuu-Jyh Lin

Thermodynamic investigations of cosurfactants and electrolytes in micellar solutions, Duy Thai Nguyen

Surfactant association structures in stratum corneum, Hamdan Suhaimi


Amphiphile association structures, Yun Yang

Dissertations from 1986

The study of the mechanism in the electrochemical reduction of crotyl alcohol and related compounds, Chen-Yie Chien


Amphiphilic association structures and some aspects of foam stability, Jia-Hwa Fang

Amphiphile association in glycerol systems, Yuh-Chirn Liang

Neutron diffraction studies of the atomic and magnetic structures of Ho₆Mn₂₃, Ho₆Mn₂₃D₂₂ and some Y₆(Fe₁- Aℓ )₂₃ compounds, Nimalie T. Littlewood

Dissertations from 1985

The effects of selected impurities on the electrocrystallization of zinc, Laura Webber Blaser

Chalcogen elements in aerosols: a study of the behavior of TE, SE and S in air, Kuen-Yuan Chiou

On the mechanism of the vacuum deposition of selected poly-para-xylylenes, Maciej Gazicki

A study of structure and dynamics of surfactant system: hexadecyltriethylammonium bromide-water-pentanol-decane, Marja-Riitta Hakala

Lyotropic liquid crystals and foam stability, Paul Ming-San Liang

Interaction of a glyceridacid with lipids of the stratum corneum, David Wade Osborne

Studies of the reaction between diazoacetylglycine methyl ester and Cu (II) and the inhibition of the enzyme, porcine pepsin, Barbara Ruth Patterson

Dissertations from 1983

The interactions of amphiphiles with solvent molecules and small metal ions, Tony D. Flaim

Dissertations from 1982

Design and performance of a gamma-ray diffractometer at 0.12A, Randall Warren Alkire

Powder neutron diffraction studies of Y₆Mn₂₃D₂₃, Er₆Mn₂₃D₂₃, and LaNi₄.₅Al₀.₅D₄.₅, Cyrus E. Crowder

Isotope separation by foam fractionation, William Shuman Hitchcock

On the thermal decomposition kinetics of arsenic (V) fluoride and iodine doped polyacetylene in vacuum, Jan-Erik Osterholm

Cell wall biosynthesis in Aureobasidium pullulans, David R. Quigley

Dissertations from 1981

Solubilities in multicomponent systems of nonspecific interactions, William Eugene Acree