Selective Precombustion Desulphurization of Ohio Coals Using Supercritical Fluids
Desulphurization of coal involves the removal of both the inorganic and organic forms of sulphur. Several physical and a few chemical methods are available for the removal of inorganic sulphur. Removal of organic sulphur requires the use of chemical cleaning methods. This paper presents the results of a sulphur removal technique that employs supercritical fluids. The results obtained from the use of methanol-water mixtures as solvents are examined. The solvent composition in this desulphurization technique can be tailored to selectively reject sulphur without significantly reducing the calorific value of the treated coal. The sulphur-containing organic species in the liquid product from the desulphurization experiments have been characterized using wet chemical methods and g.c.-m.s. analysis.
Recommended Citation
S. Lee et al., "Selective Precombustion Desulphurization of Ohio Coals Using Supercritical Fluids," Fuel, Elsevier, Jan 1989.
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Keywords and Phrases
Desulpherization; Supercritical; Extraction
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 1989 Elsevier, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 1989