
Polymer-supported MOF composites have emerged as versatile candidates for various separation and catalytic applications. In this study, we demonstrate design and development of UiO-67-coated Ce(OH)4@PIM-1 composites via dip-coating, drop-casting, solid-phase coating, and supramolecular assembly, and assess their preparation-structure-performance relations. The catalytic performance of the composites was investigated through hydrolysis of dimethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphate (DMNP), as a nerve agent simulant. The findings revealed that while dip-coating method was unable to achieve a thick and uniform coverage of the MOF layer on the Ce(OH)4@PIM-1, the supramolecular assembly gave rise to 16 wt.% MOF loading and the composite prepared via this method exhibited superior catalytic activity by achieving 100% DMNP conversion within 15 min with a half-time of ∼ 4 min at a rate of 0.165 min−1. The enhanced DMNP hydrolysis of the UiO-67-coated Ce(OH)4@PIM-1 composites prepared via supramolecular assembly was driven by the well-connected pore structure and well-dispersed MOF crystals, which enabled greater active sites accessibility. Post-characterization results confirmed that the materials retained their functionality after hydrolysis by exhibiting 100% DMNP conversion efficiency over three cycles. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the development of advanced protective materials for defense and civilian applications.


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering


U.S. Department of Defense, Grant DAC 20-0280

Keywords and Phrases

Ce(OH) @PIM-1 4; DMNP hydrolysis; MOF; Polymer composites; Surface coating

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


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© 2024 Elsevier, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Aug 2024
