"Comparison of a SiO2-CaO-ZnO-SrO Glass Polyalkenoate Cement to Commerc" by A. W. Wren, A. Coughlan et al.


Ion Release and biocompatibility of a CaO-SrO-ZnO-SiO2 (BT 101) based glass polyalkenoate cement (GPC) was compared against commercial GPCs, Fuji IX and Ketac Molar. The radiopacity (R) was similar for each material, 2.0-2.8. Ion release was evaluated on each material over 1, 7, 30 and 90 days. BT 101 release included Ca (23 mg/L), Sr (23 mg/L) Zn (13 mg/L), Si (203 mg/L). Fuji IX release includes Ca (0.7 mg/L), Al (3 mg/L) Si (26 mg/L), Na (60 mg/L) and P (0.5 mg/L) while Ketac Molar release includes Ca (1 mg/L), Al (0.6 mg/L) Si (23 mg/L), Na (76 mg/L) and P (0.7 mg/L). Simulated body fluid trials revealed CaP surface precipitation on BT 101. No evidence of precipitation was found on Fuji IX or Ketac Molar. Cytotoxicity testing found similar cell viability values for each material (~60 %, P = 1.000). Antibacterial testing determined a reduced CFU count with BT 101 (2.5 x 103) when compared to the control bacteria (2.4 x 104), Fuji IX (1.5 x 104) and Ketac Molar (1.2 x 104). © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1573-4838; 0957-4530

Document Type

Article - Journal

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Final Version

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Publication Date

01 Sep 2013

PubMed ID

