CCFSS Library (1939 - present)
Alternative Title
25th progress report
SCOPE OF THIS REPORT all the beams heretofore tested in this program were furnished with web stiffeners in order to aviod crushing of the web at the load points and at the supports. In practical application the use of such stiffeners at points of concentrated loads would not only be uneconomical but also would impair the versatility of the elements, since stiffeners would have to be spaced on each individual beam according to the particular location and loading. For this reason it seem essential to investigate the resistance of unreinforced webs to concentrated loading. The tests reported herein are to be regarded as pilot tests designed to furnish some preliminary data on this question and to serve as a base for more detailed investigation on specially designed specimens. The specimens for this series of test were cut from the beams A to C previously used for failure tests of different types. The range of dimensions so obtained was rather limited and, consequently, it is belived that more tests on shapes other than those tested will be necessary in order to widen the limits of the investigation. 23 tests were carried out, 10 of which were made on single web beams and 13 on double web beams.
Male, Milton
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
American Iron and Steel Institute
Research Center/Lab(s)
Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures
Publication Date
01 Jan 1942
Document Version
Final Version
Document Type
Technical Report
File Type
Recommended Citation
Cornell University School of Civil Engineering, "Cornell University School of Civil Engineering Tests on light beams of cold-formed steel" (1942). CCFSS Library (1939 - present). 9.
Twenty-Fifth Progress Report