American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Specifications, Standards, Manuals and Research Reports (1946 - present)

Alternative Title

Report No. LGSRG-1-97


AlSI sponsored research at Santa Clara University (Serrette, 1996) led to the development of shear values for plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), and gypswn wallboard (GWB) sheathed light weight steel framed wall assemblies. The scope of the 1996 work was, however, limited to plywood, OSB. and GWB on 0.033 in. (20 gauge) framing. To provide a wider range of design options and clarify some of the values from the 1996 test program. a new test program was initialed. The new program included the following wall assemblies: flat strap X-braced walls. steel sheathed walls, high aspect ratio walls, and walls framed with 0.054 in. and 0.043 in. (16 gauge and 18 gauge, respectively} studs. As in the I 996 test program, the new assemblies were tested under static and cyclic loading. For each wall assembly configuration tested in the current program, the applied load, lateral displacement (at the top plate), slip, uplift, and mode of failure were monitored and recorded. Based on the test results, maximum loads (and corresponding displacements) were interpreted for design.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering


American Iron and Steel Institute

Research Center/Lab(s)

Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures


Department of Civil Engineering, Santa Clara University

Publication Date

31 Mar 1997

Document Version

Final Version


© 1997 Department of Civil Engineering, Santa Clara University, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Technical Report

File Type



