Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE)
Chair of CAFE: Dr. Irina Ivliyeva, Professor of Russian
The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE) is a new resource at Missouri S&T designed to promote the success of S&T faculty as teaching-scholars throughout all stages of their career.
Dr. Irina Ivliyeva, professor of Russian, was named chair of CAFE in May 2019. Dr. Larry Gragg, Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor emeritus, served as the inaugural chair of CAFE from May 2017 to December 2018. Dr. Wayne Huebner, professor of materials science and engineering, served as chair from December 2018 to May 2019. CAFE was developed by the provost’s office in conjunction with a campus steering committee in spring 2017.
Some of the early tasks of the CAFE have been to determine what the specific challenges are for faculty development at S&T through numerous interviews as well as to research the literature on faculty development and discover best practices at other institutions. The final product of this effort is to be a comprehensive report on conditions at Missouri S&T, and recommendations on how to best enhance faculty development at all stages of career. CAFE resources will be invested to address the identified challenges and opportunities.