
Due to the pandemic, automation in teaching and learning is rapidly transforming educational process. Its main goal is to reduce manual labor in repetitive tasks and to free up instructor’s time to create meaningful personalized teaching and learning experiences that support student success.

Bridging technology-mediated instruction and meaningful personalized feedback poses a challenge for language educators. This presentation explores ways to incorporate personalized asynchronous formative e-feedback, using multi-modal CANVAS tools, into foreign language courses.

The most significant component affecting student engagement and academic performance is the quality of their interaction with faculty. Instructors spend an average of 11 hours a week in preparation and routine class-management related activities. The effective use of e-feedback tools can substantially cut time for tracking attendance, grading, and assessment of learning, while at the same time maximizing student-faculty interaction.

Through the sense of sound pedagogical strategies found in The Seven Principles of Good Teaching (1987), the presenter will show how to increase students’ motivation and support their progress toward language learning goals using target-language rich digital communications, audio and video feedback, multi-modal grading comments/rubrics, and high impact surveys. While examples of student work will be from Russian courses, the presenter will provide pedagogical recommendations for incorporating explicit and implicit e-feedback into proficiency–driven classrooms across disciplines, instructional levels, and modalities (in- person, blended, online).

The presenter will demonstrate how discrete differentiation personalizes student learning. Participants will leave with fresh ideas, engaging pedagogical strategies, and useful tips on maximizing the use of instructional technology resources across disciplines.


The presenter will engage participants to classify e-feedback types according to format and pedagogical focus (Chickering Principles, 1987), using a variety of real classroom examples and signature assignments.

Using the TPS (think –pair –share) model, participants will reflect on strategies for maximizing learners’ engagement and improving their attitudes in both traditional and technology-rich learning environments. Handouts and visual prompts will promote small group discussions.


Participants will make connections with their peers at other institutions and exchange ideas on how to best apply multi-modal e-feedback strategies in their own courses. Individually and collectively, they will broaden their perspectives on using Canvas tools as a part of the technology ecosystem for instruction, learning, and management.

The presentation concludes with time for questions.

Projected Outcomes:

At the end of the session, participants will:

  1. identify specific ways of incorporating e-feedback into student-centered classrooms across disciplines.
  2. consider activities can be adapted for various instructional levels and delivery methods.
  3. receive practical tips on how to best apply multi-modal e-feedback strategies in their own courses.
  4. leave with examples of interactive teaching techniques models for incorporating them into curriculum.

Meeting Name

13th Annual Celebration of Teaching 2022 (2022: May 18-19, Columbia, MO)


Arts, Languages, and Philosophy


Selected Bibliography and Resources

  1. The American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). ACTFL proficiency guidelines 2012.
  2. Bloom B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.
  3. Chickering, A., & Gamson, Z. (1987). Seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education. AAHE Bulletin, 39, 3-7.
  4. Chickering, A. W., & Ehrmann, S. C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. AAHE Bulletin, 49(2), 3-6.
  5. Key Takeaways, Active Learning for a Post-Pandemic World. Implementation Guide: Active Learning for a Post-Pandemic World. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2021.
  6. Research Brief, Strategic Student Engagement, in the Classroom and Beyond. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2022.
  7. Irina Ivliyeva, Google Drive Folder: templates, files, and examples.

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© 2022 The Author, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

19 May 2022
