Ethical Requirements for Transport Systems with Automated Buses
Philosophers and researchers across the academy have addressed numerous ethical aspects of automated vehicles. Despite these advancements, they have said little about automated buses. Unlike personal vehicles, buses provide some users with more than just mobility. They provide care and community, aspects of transportation that may be under-appreciated. Exploring these dimensions is the purpose of this paper. While there are several practical concerns for this position, such arguments are secondary. We should not (fully) automate all buses because some vulnerable populations require care from bus drivers to mitigate some dangers that stem from some cities' designs. In turn, the author employs care ethics to advocate for the view that some human drivers should be retained because they serve in care positions that should not be replaced with fully automated systems.
Recommended Citation
Epting, S. R. (2021). Ethical Requirements for Transport Systems with Automated Buses. Technology in Society, 64 Elsevier.
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Arts, Languages, and Philosophy
Keywords and Phrases
Automated buses; Automated vehicles; Care ethics
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Document Type
Article - Journal
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© 2021 Elsevier, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Feb 2021