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Wednesday, April 11th

Computer Network Attack, Defense, and Forensics in Two Scenarios

Dan Nieters

Computer Network Attack, Defense, and Forensics in Two Scenarios

David Trupiano

Directing Gamma-rays with Quantum Dots

Benjamini Stauffer

Feasibility of Opening a Coffee and Tea House in Rolla, Missouri

Kristen Duvall

Innovative Secure eVoting System

Ryan Andrews

Innovative Secure eVoting System

Duane Alexander

Innovative Secure eVoting System

Mitchell Diebold

Innovative Secure eVoting System

Ariel Hernandez

9:00 AM

Computer Network Attack, Defense, and Forensics in Two Scenarios


Daniel Nieters, Missouri University of Science and Technology
David Trupiano, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Havener Center, Carver-Turner Room

9:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Feasibility of Opening a Coffee and Tea House in Rolla, Missouri


Kristen Duvall, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Havener Center, Carver-Turner Room

9:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Innovative Secure eVoting System


Duane Alexander, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Ryan Andrews, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Mitchell Diebold, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Ariel Hernandez, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Havener Center, Carver-Turner Room

9:00 AM - 11:45 AM

10:00 AM

Sonic Data: An Open-Source Instrument Data Acquisition Program


Benjamin Stauffer, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Havener Center, Gasconade Room

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM