
A magnetic filter-type plasma source has been installed and characterized in a 10 ft long x 6ft diameter vacuum chamber. The plasma source was characterized with a fleet of diagnostic probes including an in-house cylindrical Langmuir probe. This resulted in the measurement of key plasma parameters such as electron number density, electron temperature, plasma potential, Debye length, ion current density, streaming ion energy, ion number density, and streaming ion velocity. By varying the flow rates, discharge current, and distance, single points measurements were taken at three locations downstream of the plasma source to establish an optimum operating condition to simulate low Earth orbit (LEO) plasma. In addition to this, a 3-axis moving platform was developed to perform a 2D scan of the simulated plasma environment based on the results from the single point measurements. The measured electron number density, electron temperature, and Debye length of the LEO source spanned from 1.64 x 1012 m−3 to 3.43 x 1012 m−3, 0.47 eV and 3.78 eV, and 0.0028 m to 0.0128 m respectively. Both the measured ion current density and streaming ion energy covered a range from 3.21mA/m2 to39.937mA/m2, and 2 eV to 28 eV, respectively. The measured ion number density was ten times greater in value compared to that of the electrons which could be as a result of the magnetic filtering effect exerted on the electron population. The 2D current density scan showed a decline in ion density both along the axial axis and in the radial direction downstream of the plasma source.


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Publication Status

Full Access


National Science Foundation, Grant DMS-2111039

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2024 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2024
